Friday, August 12, 2011

My Dad committed suicide last month, I just need to talk to someone, maybe even get a few answers.?

Wow. I don't really know what to say just that I guess as time past hopefully the images will disappear also :/

Dramamine vs Benadryl tripping?

I tried to commit suicide years ago by overdosing on Benadryl, I took a huge handful of pills and it took many different sessions to swallow them. I was in no control, I got lost in my own house, there were people around who weren't there, I broke my lamp as well as many other things because I was blind and couldn't find my way through my house, I walked into many different walls and fixtures, its a wonder I didn't fall into the pool outside and drown. Don't do it, its scary as hell and you will regret it.

Is my body plotting against me?

It annoys the hell out of me. Whenever I see an attractive male or female, my penis shoots straight and it ALWAYS leaves me in an awkward position. God forbid, if an attractive person flashes on the screen while I'm watching T.V. with my family and my dick goes to attention like a brainwashed marine. There have been many uneasy discussions throughout my family regarding my rebellious libido, which miraculously decides to stop working whenever I'm about to get some. Every sexual experience I have ever had has ended with me apologizing, and my partner saying 'its ok' while trying to suppress a laugh.Please Help, what am I to do???

Need to keep my cat calm on airplane flight?

I am bringing my cat on a 3 hour plane flight as my baggage. I need to keep him from crying. I've heard that benedryl and dramamine help.

Can I give my 1 year old anything for sickness on a airplane?

We are traveling for July 4 and I am taking my 15 month old on the plane. I am SO NERVOUS! I get very sick on planes, and take dramamine. Is there anything at all I can give her to relax, or avoid plane sickness?

How can I 100% cure air sickness?

I don't want to use dramamine or pressure point straps, I want to be able to walk on a plane and be perfectly fine. What is a way to cure 100% air sickness?

I ran out of benadryl, so I took some dramamine... but there is a catch...?

I am out of benadryl. I take 100mg to help me get to sleep earlier, being a teenager I need my sleep. So I took a dramamine tablet I found in my bathroom, and after swallowing it I noticed it has been expired since 2006. It is 2011, so that makes it 5 years expired. PLEASE tell me if I need to contact poison control or not. I read that after a pill is sitting out for a long time, the chemical content can change. I am worried.