Thursday, August 11, 2011

Anybody who can help me get over my fear of airplanes PLEASE answer!?

Ok so I'm really afraid of planes and I'm not sure why maybe fear of death or something I'm not sure and next month there's a band trip to Disney Land and I REALLY want to go (come on no parents for a week) and I'm not sure how I can since we have to fly but when I was really little like around 1-2 I flew all the time and I never had any problem with it ever and I flew sometimes like twice a week then I didn't fly for several years and I started to have a fear of flying but not bad I thought I could still do it if I needed to then about a year and a half ago I had to fly to Wisconsin with my dad and I was scared in the weeks leading up to the flight then the day of the flight came and I was really scared but I tried to stay calm and it didn't help much I was a little sick to my stomach I kept getting up and walking around trying to get my mind off of it which seemed to help a little and we got on the plane once we were up in the air I was fine and it was cool looking out the window and stuff and I was the same for the two flights there and back then about five months after that I had to fly back to wisconsin with my mom and once again in the weeks leading up to the flight I was scared really scared at night I'd have bad dreams and wake up freaking out nervous, and felt like I was going to throw up and stuff , whenever someone would mention planes or flying or whatever I'd feel that way then came the morning of that flight and I was flipping out sweating, sick feeling and just scared and then we got to the airport and we still had a few hours to kill before the flight so we ate and went to some of the shops and stuff and the whole time the flight was still on my mind and I was really sick to the stomach and then finally when they called us to board the plane I was literally crying I was hysterical we got on the plane and got seated and I was freaking out shaking, crying, my mom was trying to calm me down and it was just making it worse and people were staring and I really didn't care then the plane started moving and I hate the take off the most I was totally silent other than maybe hyperventalating a little and then when we were in the air I was still shaking and not completely calm but I was a little bit better when the plane landed my mom gave me dramamine wich I had never taken before cause she thought it would help and when we went to board again it didnt do anything so she gave me two more then she realized Dramamine was for motion sickness and I had a bad reaction to it my pulse went up, I got lightheaded and couldnt walk and basically passed out so we missed our flight so the ticket guy exchanged our tickets for bus tickets from Chicago to Madison and after that I was happy no more planes that day but then when we had to leave things got worse I was thinking about it the whole week and when we got to the airport and through security and everything I totally had a panic attack / meltdown or whatever I ran into the bathroom and locked the stall door and started crying and wouldnt open it and my mom came in and started yelling at me and made it worse and she got somebody who worked at the airport to come in and by that time I really was hyperventilating and they finally got me to open the door and I was so sick and freaked out and had missed the last two flights back that night we ended up having to rent a car and drive home but anyway It was really bad and I really want to be able to go to Disney land and next year my Dad and stepmom are planning a trip to California and I really want to go so please, please help me thank you so much.

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