Thursday, August 11, 2011

Terrified of flying on airplanes...?

I've literally been flying since I was a baby (I'm now 21). In the past few years I've become absolutely terrified of flying. I never remember being scared when I was younger. I fly probably 4-5 times a year, but recently I've been going out of my way to avoid it at all costs. I've tried Dramamine (as suggested by my mom), but that doesn't help at all, and if anything it just makes my senses more heightened. I'm not claustrophobic at all, I just get really scared when my life is in the hands of someone I don't know/fully trust. I am flying to the Dominican Republic in a few months and am already stressing out about it. I am seriously considering going to the doctor to get a prescription for Xanax. Anybody else have any helpful advice on what works for them when the fly?

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