Friday, August 12, 2011

Can I move out I'm 16 and want to move out of my house?

I am 16 and really don't get on with my dad. I am the eldest and he treats me differently to my 2 younger siblings. Don't get me wrong I am not a rebellious teenager, I COMPLETELY disagree with drugs and don't see the point in going out and getting drunk. I have straight A's at school unlike my sisters. I really can't live at my house anymore I hate my dad, my mum knows but she thinks we can sort it out when I know we can't. My mum always sides with m dad whenever we argue which is totally unfair becasue he always starts it and I am normally in the right. Also she often makes up with him 2 minutes after arguments but still remains not speaking to me. I am totally fed up of living here and I dread coming home. There are no relatives that I could go and live with so does anyone know of any options that I could explore? I really need help as I am desperate to get out of this situation. Also I have tried 10000000000000000000000000000000000 times to get on with my dad but there just isn't any way he is an alcoholic and mentally abuses me often when drunk, I cant stand it anymore. Thankou so much if you think you can help me.

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