Wednesday, August 10, 2011

9 Weeks Pregnant w/ SEVERE Morning Sickness?

First of all I sympathise with you, I have also been there but there is light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully it will ease by 16 weeks and you should get the glow your talking about, my morning sickness was horrendous on my 3rd but what i did find helpful was gavisgon and that is safe in pregnancy, also nibbling like you are doing, little and often but i used to nibble contently on raw veg, that also seemed to help with the acid, raw cabbage was especially good, avoid any acidic foods at the moment, drink cranberry juice with orange juice as it will not be so acidic, avoid chewing gums too, i made that mistake and it made me worse oh and drink lots and lots of full fat milk, hope this helps and good luck with your pregnancy xx

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