Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Things to do on a road trip?

Me and my friend are going to Disney World Orlando Florida in October for our graduation trip. She is going with me, my parents and my aunt and uncle. My mom has a Ford Freestyle which we are taking. It has a lot of room, thank god because its going to take over 16 hours to get there because we live in PA. We already decided since we get car sick fast, and were sitting way in the back of the car, were going to take Dramamine and hang up blankets to separate the front half of the car from the back and cover up the two side windows. Were taking our ipods, DVD player, and cell phones so far. we are going shopping before the trip to get snacks, drinks, travel pillows, and stuff like that. What else can we take to keep us busy during the car trip? What are some of the things we can do?

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