Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Am I completely over-reacting? Any advice?

Ok if no one answered i will share my limited knowledge on the matter. The fact that you are going through the menstruation cycle is in itself a factor that suggests you are perfectly capable of having children. So seriously, dont worry, there are numerous cases of people maintaining irregular cycles lon into adult life. if your 16 then it clearly is not in2 a suspicious time frame yet. In fact i will give you this advice - in contrary belief 2 the worry u may not have children you actually need to be more careful on a variable cycle as the ovulation process itself can vary , and it can often take sum1 unawares. Also when you say *barely* in which it lasts only 3 day, the actual *normal* length varies at 2-7 days and so you are currently in the normal range.

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