Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fear of flying- Airtran?

When I was younger, my mother was a flight attendant. I flew everywhere with her. I loved it! I have always had motion sickness and hated the way the plan took off (climbed) and dropped (landing). In my junior year of hs, I went to Spain. The outbound flight went well. I slept most of the time (Dramamine). Coming back didn't work so well. I forgot to take my medicine. As we were crossing the Atlantic, there was horrible turbulence. I started to become paranoid and I was sick as a dog! We were dropping way too fast and too soon! I was a shaking, crying, screaming, vomiting mess on that Lufthansa flight. I felt impending doom. It was horrible. Now, I'm going to Florida (we go almost every year, except these last couple of years). We're flying Airtran! I'm nervous. I'm a Delta type of girl. My question(s) (finally): Is it an OK/safe airline? What should I do besides take Dramamine to keep my cool? I'm afraid to fly any airline now! I've been praying but I'm so nervous! I keep thinking for the worst! Help!!!!!!!

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