Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How can I improve this plot?

it is about a boy 16 year old boy called Aaron price and he lives in a medieval fantasy world. He was kicked out of his house by his parents because he and his parents fought with him there whole life (his parents were overprotective). anyway he has to live off the land and when he is hunting he comes across a danger us CREATURE called a Snorex. He almost kills it but a man comes out and says its friendly. Aaron asks the man why he would have one as a pet and he says that the world is getting more dangerus and the war with the goblins, and urxes vs the all elves, men, and dwarfs is getting more dangerus because more innocent people are dying. (the goblins were shuned by socitey because they looked ugly since the begining of time and the urxes are rebellious people shunning goblins thats why they want war). anyway Aaron finds out the man is traveling to the kingdom to ask to fight for the king and Aaron asks to go with him. He agrees and the man teaches him sword fighting. while on the trip Aaron finds a Mysterious cape that when he puts it on he blends into the shadows he also learns that once he puts it on he can shadow travel. he hides it from the man. one night when they are sword fighting a group of shadow elves attack them. The man uses magic to defend himself and Aaron finds out that he is a elf. They keep on journering and they are attacked by more shadow elves the man asks aaron if he has anything he shouldent have and he shows him the cape. The man gets mad takes the cape and tells Aaron that he has put them both in grave danger for the shadow cape is the shadow elves sacred object (each type of elf has a antient object like the forest elves have the leaf of life). they then travel to the elvish holy city and give the cape to the elf king. the elf king tells them to take it and the elf king gives them both guardians. The gurdians are a wizard and a dwarf.

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