Monday, August 8, 2011

I need help talking to my mom.?

It's not that i hate her. I love my mom. I really do but sometimes, when she wants to talk to me, i just don't feel like talking to her. And if i do say "mom, i'm sorry but i don't think i wanna talk right now" she'd go "what's wrong?" And i just cant seem to answer her because, no one or nothing made me upset. it's just that, you just don't feel like it. Do you know how that feels? It's not something you can explain or put into words. Shouldn't the sentence "i don't feel like talking" like, tell you everything there is to know? So, how was i suppose to answer her? i just said "nothing" and she'd ask why again, then when i repeat my answer she'd go "sure there's nothing? OK" and the way she said it is not the way you say it if you really understand why i felt that way. and whenever she lectures me, and if i dont respond to her the way she wants me to, she'd read out sentences and responses like she's reading it from a english grammar textbook... it's so annoying cause it sounds so fake to me like i'm a robot programmed to say things she wants to hear but fact is, i don't want to answer her that way. I don't wanna tell her that cause i did told her once and she just said that i must learn to not close myself up to words i dont wanna hear. Conclusion : i's just so hard to talk to her. I know that for things to change, i must change but, how should i change? I do talk to my mum and i enjoy myself doing so but sigh... i just hope you understand how i'm thinking and feel and tell me how i should change. But please, don't tell me to answer her stupid questions (literally stupid questions like "have you cooked the rice?" when she's looking at a rice cooker in the middle of boiling the rice" or giving responses to stupid remarks " literally stupid like "The dog pooped" when she just wants me to clean it up. Can't she just say clean the poop. I've felt like answering "so?" many times but i can't) like how english grammar textbooks would tell you to cause i hate it. pls help, i don't wanna hurt her anymore than i am already. I'm 17 and i know i sound like some rebellious teenager but i dont wanna be an ungrateful brat that only cares for herself (though i might already sound like it). I want my mom to understand me without her lecturing me. I just want her to sit down and listen to me without interrupting and finally just saying "ok, i understand" or something like that, but not answering me by lecturing me. I talked like daughter to mother talk before, and it didn't go well, in fact, nothing changed. And i don't want that to happen because despite her telling me that i can talk to her about anything, i can't.

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