Saturday, August 6, 2011

Non prescription sleep medication?

I know this has been asked before but here's the difference: NO Nyquil, No Benadryl, NO Dramamine, No Melatonin, and No Valeriann root. I've tried them all with no avail. I was on 2mg Xanax 3 times a day and Lunesta 3mg nightly for over 2 yrs. When I lost my insurance (THANKS healthcare system!) I could no longer afford my doctors nor prescriptions. I've roughed it for 3 months now and this insomnia is really ruining my life and making me suicidal. It's so bad that I will literally go 72 hours without so much as a wink of sleep - on at least a weekly basis. And the sleep I do get is very unrestful due to nightmares. I'm so sick of it.

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