Sunday, August 7, 2011

What should I do about my carsickness?

I get carsick and its been getting worse every time my guy drives me somewhere. When I drive myself I don't get carsick. I drive an automatic and he drives a stick. Its been getting worse so bad I can't drive into town without needing to get out and walk around for a while and it only happens when the sun is out. I don't get out much since I was laid off and I think that may have something to do with my worsening carsickness but Ive always been sun weary. I always sit in the front seat and he drives a jeep and hes a careful driver. Im sick of being carsick is there some way to prevent it Ive tried eating before we go on a trip and I don't like using Dramamine cause Im so out of it at the grocery store I forget everything. Ive tried benadryl and I just don't like using drugs to fix the problem is there anyway I can fix this cause I can't go 6 miles to my local food lion without needing to stop and walk for and hour. I feel like a puppy please someone help me.

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