Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Liberals, shouldn't Pres Obama be named best left-wing recruiter of the century?

I've been noting the continuous G0P blunders since I found out about the politically suicidal Paul Ryan plan to kill Medicare, and since then, they've been stepping in the poop over and over again. Well, today's press conference by President Obama was designed to say: "Hey Americans, we're trying to work a solution for the debt, for the economy, for jobs creation, and for our country, but the Republicans want YOU to sacrifice while they keep making the rich, whom they're in bed with, richer by paving the way for them to make NO sacrifices, and instead get MORE breaks while YOU struggle!" Notice he used the phrases, "corporate jet owners" and "hedge fund managers"? This, and the rest of his message, was not just on point but was designed to make the middle class aware AND to motivate them to be rightly upset. Now, instead of the Repubs just shutting their mouths and regrouping, old Eric Canter, a Tea Party-er, just had to take the bait, stick out his chest, and make a statement, in effect saying "Regardless of the President lecturing us, we're not raising taxes on the rich." Then Boo Hoo Boehner followed suit with a similar statement, just brimming with arrogance. How stupid. The G0P took the bait like a starving fish!! So, what is left for the middle class to think other than "the Democrats at least are trying to consider us while the Republicans just want to screw us, especially those Tea Party people. I not voting for them!" So I expect there will be many new recruits into the ranks of the left come election time. Obama knows how to convert 'em! Your thoughts?

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