Saturday, August 6, 2011

What do you think of this?

Ever since I was 2 yrs old my dad told me he would buy me toys,barbies,i was spoiled by Oihim since I was his little girl and he told me that my mom would return all the stuff he would buy me to the store and keep the money. Hes not the only one my grandma also told me (dads mom). She left my dad and brought all 3 of us with her to tx and my happiness ended their. I loved my dad and she took that away from me. she met some pathetic drug user and got with him in less than a yr she moved him in at when I was10 he began askin me if I wanted to play games and he would tell me innapropriate thing him and my mom were on and off but wen I turned 17 I couldnt stand seeing him come over so one day I told my mom wat happnd wen I was 10 she didnt believe me at all she said I.was lying and made me tell her in front of him which was realy hard for me to do but I did and he denied everything time went by and she kept seeing him she kept treating me like crap the only person I had was my bf which she didnt like for no reason. I relied on him I would call him crying wen she attacked me I couldnt even go out to the movies I had to be home no later than 9 sometimes at 7 she already wanted me home she kicked me out several times knowing that I had nowhere to go the only person I rlly had was my bf I stayed with my aunt for sometime than my granma I ran out options and I promise you this wasnt cause I was rebellious or did drugs or disrespected her or stole money from her. No I was not ever like that she kicked me out because she came home one day and everything else was clean but the dishes I was super stressed I was going through soo much at my teenage life I didnt understand why she treated me soo bad my bf offered me to move in with him but he still stayed with his parents my mom said I would look like a ho if I moved in with him so I went to a shelter I wass already 18 by the way this shelter had crackheads and just people I wasnt used to being around the lady who ran the shelte

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