Friday, August 12, 2011

My Dad committed suicide last month, I just need to talk to someone, maybe even get a few answers.?

Wow. I don't really know what to say just that I guess as time past hopefully the images will disappear also :/

Dramamine vs Benadryl tripping?

I tried to commit suicide years ago by overdosing on Benadryl, I took a huge handful of pills and it took many different sessions to swallow them. I was in no control, I got lost in my own house, there were people around who weren't there, I broke my lamp as well as many other things because I was blind and couldn't find my way through my house, I walked into many different walls and fixtures, its a wonder I didn't fall into the pool outside and drown. Don't do it, its scary as hell and you will regret it.

Is my body plotting against me?

It annoys the hell out of me. Whenever I see an attractive male or female, my penis shoots straight and it ALWAYS leaves me in an awkward position. God forbid, if an attractive person flashes on the screen while I'm watching T.V. with my family and my dick goes to attention like a brainwashed marine. There have been many uneasy discussions throughout my family regarding my rebellious libido, which miraculously decides to stop working whenever I'm about to get some. Every sexual experience I have ever had has ended with me apologizing, and my partner saying 'its ok' while trying to suppress a laugh.Please Help, what am I to do???

Need to keep my cat calm on airplane flight?

I am bringing my cat on a 3 hour plane flight as my baggage. I need to keep him from crying. I've heard that benedryl and dramamine help.

Can I give my 1 year old anything for sickness on a airplane?

We are traveling for July 4 and I am taking my 15 month old on the plane. I am SO NERVOUS! I get very sick on planes, and take dramamine. Is there anything at all I can give her to relax, or avoid plane sickness?

How can I 100% cure air sickness?

I don't want to use dramamine or pressure point straps, I want to be able to walk on a plane and be perfectly fine. What is a way to cure 100% air sickness?

I ran out of benadryl, so I took some dramamine... but there is a catch...?

I am out of benadryl. I take 100mg to help me get to sleep earlier, being a teenager I need my sleep. So I took a dramamine tablet I found in my bathroom, and after swallowing it I noticed it has been expired since 2006. It is 2011, so that makes it 5 years expired. PLEASE tell me if I need to contact poison control or not. I read that after a pill is sitting out for a long time, the chemical content can change. I am worried.

What haircuts should I try based on my face structure, hair color, & style? (photos)?

the reason you're not getting answers is because the links don't work! ): i would definitely help you though. you sound a bit like me! and yeahh.... ROCK is totally different from pop. i dont like pop... just rock x'D haha. with some exceptions. anyway, why don't you try a toned-down scene hair style? like i think it's getting really cliche with the huuuge hair and overly parted bangs. but i like the way it's short at the top. you could get a longish bob and leave some long hair at the underneath to style in braids or leave straight. i dont really like scene style but i think that hair cut can look really nice and rockish (:

Can you comment on my essay please?

A Roman general brought peace to a rebellious province by killing all its citizens even his fellow Romans were shocked. One of them wrote, "In Latin (Solitudinem faciunt, pacem appellant) which means they create desolation and call it peace. Yemeni government implement the same ideology on the citizens of Yemen, but in this case not the rebellious, are revolutionists. Yesterday, an elderly woman knocked my door; she was asking for money in order to by shroud for her son, not food. She could not brie her son, and Yemenis face an abject poverty. Like that look in a mother's eyes when she can't feed her kids.

Would having your belly button pierced be weird in Japan?

I'm 17 years old and I live in Canada. I'm thinking about moving to Japan in a couple years. I have my belly button pierced and i love it and I'm just wondering if people would think it's such a strange bizzare thing over there or not. Maybe people would think im weird or rebellious? I also have 3 piercings in each ear, 2 at the bottom and 1 at the top of each(1 at the top is a small silver hoop and the other at the top is a flower shaped diamond) . What would be thought of that? They all look really cute to me! Thanks in advance!

Why is it that my 20 year old son seemed more responsible and mature when he was 16 and 17 than now?

Maybe he thinks he's to old to do those things. He might also be getting influenced from his friends.

I'm so tempted to become a rebel?

I'm 14 and my mom doesn't take me seriously, much less pay attention to me. Well, I'm home alone right now, and I feel so rebellious. I want to do something bad. Nothing illegal, but bad. Like piercing my lip or something (I've always wanted to and she'd get pissed.) I don't know. I feel so stupid, but if she's going to treat me like someone who can't be trusted, that's what I'll give her. What do I do?

How do i choose between the two men im in love with?

One is an ex drug addict and in drug court he is my ex. We were married. Almost 29 yrs. I always suspected he was cheating on me and I found out for sure just after our 25th year. I divorced him after 4 yrs of trying to repair our marriage. He didn't want divorce. And last 3 yrs Has terrorized me and son calling himself fighting 6or me. He finally gave up a month ago when he found out I was still with man been with for 2 and half yrs. This man is a newly reformed acoholic n christian. Ex is new christiam. This man is awesome and on fire for god. Besides my exs terrorizing. He and boyfriend are good hearted hardworking loving kind men who will do anything 4 me. Ex is passionate boyfriend is laidback calm. I have 16 year old son with ex he wants dad n I back together n is a rebellious teen. I love both men but love boyfriend. More. But have been cheating on occasion with ex. Ex got hew girl n I went running to him. Now in mess cause he believes we are getting back together n I can't break his heart again. Please help

Republicans voted for the Radical Ryan Budget, therefore they must agree to raise the debt ceiling as it does.?

Yes, Republicans have already voted to raise the debt when they voted for the Ryan Budget which has higher deficits that budgeted. So how will they handle that bit of hypocrisy?

About dramamine and benadryl?

hey since Dramamine and benadryl are so closely related does that mean if you build up tolerance towards lets say benadryl, have you also grown a tolerance towards dramamine? I know they are for different purposes but i use benadryl to sleep but i use it often and now built up a tolerance, so if i were to take dramamine for the sedative effects would it work good or do i also have a tolerance to Dramamine now?

Thoughts on Ryan Dunn? May he R.I.P...?

very sad, everyone makes mistakes and sadly he can't live from his mistake. i don't think anyone should criticize him, why beat him while he's down, no reason. let him rest in peace. i loved that dude and he had a big heart.

Where can I buy dramamine bracelets?

My girlfriend gets motion sickness on some theme park rides and has requested I get some of these bracelets for her. I've looked for a bit and can find nothing but the pills. I've seen that there are the pills, patches and the bracelets, her favorite, but I can't seem to find out where to purchase them. I'd rather buy in person than online but will buy from a reputable site, or one that is connected to a well known chain of stores.

How do I get my dog to be afraid or the get the concept of cars?

Sounds like a great family dog. I would just keep him on a lead near roads and make him sit every time he is at the kerb, whether there are cars coming or not and only let him cross when you give the word. Make sure he will also come back or stop when told to come here or wait and he shoould be fine. No good making him afraid of something, that will just make him freak out whenever he is near one which wont help the situation at all. Dogs dont really have much road sense so we have to use our own.

Can I move out I'm 16 and want to move out of my house?

I am 16 and really don't get on with my dad. I am the eldest and he treats me differently to my 2 younger siblings. Don't get me wrong I am not a rebellious teenager, I COMPLETELY disagree with drugs and don't see the point in going out and getting drunk. I have straight A's at school unlike my sisters. I really can't live at my house anymore I hate my dad, my mum knows but she thinks we can sort it out when I know we can't. My mum always sides with m dad whenever we argue which is totally unfair becasue he always starts it and I am normally in the right. Also she often makes up with him 2 minutes after arguments but still remains not speaking to me. I am totally fed up of living here and I dread coming home. There are no relatives that I could go and live with so does anyone know of any options that I could explore? I really need help as I am desperate to get out of this situation. Also I have tried 10000000000000000000000000000000000 times to get on with my dad but there just isn't any way he is an alcoholic and mentally abuses me often when drunk, I cant stand it anymore. Thankou so much if you think you can help me.

Someone PLEASE help me understand my ex-girlfriend? :/?

Well, you kinda answered your own question. She sounds f****** mental dude. From the sounds of youself, you come across nice and well educated. There are plenty of girls out there that would be much nicer than her. Ignore the attention seeking ***** and let her ruin her own life. You need to move onto bigger and better things like you said. Think of it logically, not with emotions. They might delude you. She sounds like a bad influence so just leave her.

Atheists, why are so many of you so prevalent in Christian discussion?

Because I have an interest in things that have shaped history in general. In the States, religion is shoved down our throats, but I reckon that's better than what some altar boys have had shoved down theirs.

Does the music I listen to affect my thoughts?

I think your girlfriend should have a little more faith in you. As you say, you're not going to go out raping and killing etc etc. Only brain dead idiots and people who were inclined that way anyway go out and mimic song lyrics or video games.

Helppppppp pleeaseeeee?

How do I get Ryan Beatty to follow me back on Twitter?? I tweeted him a billion times , but he won't follow me): I rly want him to follow me I lovvveee him!!!!):

3 kids throwing up for over 3 weeks with no answers.?

This is happening in all 3 kids over 3 weeks, but mainly Amelia & Isabel. They don't have reflux. Already tested negative for the intestinal bacterial infection. And the only food they are... eating is bread, crackers, broth, water, rice, no dairy...and they don't have Celiac disease. They currently don't take any medication... unless it is Dramamine to help with the nausea. They also don't have food poisoning. Blood tests appear viral, but duration and repetitive nature don't fit. Also, no fevers accompany this. They are well hydrated, but they have no color left in their face, occasional blue lips... but nothing in the air shows up on any environmental test. Yet, they seem to improve when we leave the house and worsen while home. Amelia has also complained of "cloudy" vision...can't tell if that is related or not. I do have all of this written down in a "diary" and am not seeing anything causal in the symptoms.

What would happen if i took 700mg of dramamine?

i want to try this. dont tell me that its dumb or any thing like tht. i wanna know if it will kill me and how the experience will be

I am 7 weeks pregnant and have been taking zofran for severe vomiting and its not working HELP!!!!?

I am currently trying phenegran 25mg cut in half and if seems to help but makes me so sleepy. The nurse at the labor and delivery told me to take dramamine before i go to bed and it will help the next day has anyone taken this and is it okay???

Legal drugs question ?!? any advice?

i want to use legal drugs for get high, but i don't know which one, DXM is really cool but it is also really bad for your health, i can't use N20 gas and i don't want to try dramamine, don't say me drug are bad cause i know, and i'm wondering if there is a legal drug that is less harmful than DXM, any suggestions?

How can I improve this?

First off, the Greeks do have a word for that kind of love. Peter used it in the new testimant when Christ asked him "Peter, do you love me?" Secondly, if you want to improve it then make a point to it. it's just a pointless rant. I really don't feel myself getting into it.

In need of a diagnosis??!!?

Your gas company needs to check the supply, and also you need to get all of them to the doctor while they have visible symptoms. Blue lips are a worrying sign of pollution.

How long does Dramamine make you drowsy?

The absolutely best medication for motion sickness is Stugeron (cinnarizine). I have to buy it from the UK as it isn't available in Australia - no idea why, as it's magic, much better than drammamine!

Home remedies for motion sickness?

So I get really bad motion sickness and always have. I usually take a couple of Dramamine tablets and it does the trick, but it leaves me soooo drowsy. I usually pass out for a few hours and then am in a daze the rest of the day. I was wondering if anyone had any home remedies or tricks for preventing and/or curing motion sickness? I've tried magnetic and accupressure bracelets, ginger ale, etc.

My chihuahua accidentally ate Dramamine!?

I have bad car sickness so I like to keep some Dramamine in my purse in case of emergencies. My purse fell over and the medicine capsule for my Dramamine opened somehow and I didn't notice it, so my chihuahua Daisy went over and ate one of the tablets. Is it going to hurt her because she's a chihuahua? The Dramamine is 25 mg.

Can stomach upset cause severe dizziness?

The dizziness woke me up at dawn. Other symptons were I felt very hot and nauseas. Did not throw up or have diarrhea. All symtoms disappeared with Dramamine in about two hours. Somebody said it could be my stomach, but there were no symptoms after the fact, almost a week ago.

Best or most rebellious exchange between you and a teacher.?

when I was in a lesson I told my IT teacher I didn't give a **** about her or her subject and just walked out leaving her standing there little ashamed about it now but any way I like to know if you guys have ever done something similar and the teachers response if there was one

How to handle a rebellious teenager?

I know it happens to parents but I never thought my little girl would become so rebellious. She is such a sweetheart but lately she's been going to her friends house while i'm at work without asking, starting fights with me when I ask her to do chores or simple tasks, saying she hates me, and she won't talk with me about anything. She would rather stay in her room during dinner and not eat at all to avoid chats with me I think. What did I do wrong? I've always told her I loved her, i've always been open with her, and all I ask for is respect and good grades. It seems like right after turning thirteen she started acting this way. Is this normal? I am very stressed with financial issues and some problems with my husband. I'm trying my best not to show my weakness to my daughter.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Cartilage piercings + hair dye.?

So yeah, I'm your average rebellious punck-rocked teen but I'm good in school and stuff and have had big ambitions for later in life since I was 6 and it's not changed. However I'm really really into the whole punkrock scene and I badly want my cartilage(ear) pierced but my mum said no. I'm 14 and I've done all my "homework" on it. If I hadn't done "homework" then I wouldn't have known that getting it pierced with a gun can lead to infection and/or shattering your cartilage. So yeah, I know now to get it done with a needle. Also, it's not that expensive is it? Anyways, how can I persuade my mum to let me get it done? She let me get my earlobe's pierced first time when I was 7! And then redone when I was 9! So yearh. And my other question was, I want to dye my hair this ( colour and my mum has been perfectly fine with me dying it allsorts of coulours in the past, it's just will it show up on my hair? (My hair's a really dark brown colour) Or will I need to bleach it? Sorry it's so long but thankyou!

Dramamine Overdose.....please help! urgent!?

you should probably get your stomach pumped, but i need to know why you took that amount in the first place.(not to judge just asking why)

Does dramamine make a false-positive on a drug test?

I have been taking dramamine for motion sickness and im wondering if it would result in a false positive

Advice, maybe a little ventilation?

You definitely have a right to be mad! Next time your parents tell you something like that remind them of all the things you have and how you gave your brother your old car and all that.... Also remind them that they need to look at the whole picture, not just the whole grandparent situation.

Is dramamine and lsd safe to do at the same time?

its safe, like you wont die unless you go overboard with the Dramamine. But i wouldn't do it not because of the legal or health risks which you probably already know, but lsd will make the dramine alot stronger and i did diphenhydramine (similar to dramine a lil stronger tho) when coming down from a lsd trip and just had a way to intense bad experiance so ya but ya its safe as long as you dont go overboard but you may not like what you find on the other side.

Really nervous about Spinny rides at Universal!?

Ok, heres the deal. I LOVED spinning rides, I mean LOVED them! but I havent gone on one in 2 years and im going to Universal next week and Im really nervous! I loved the rides there but now Im afraid ill get sick. Dies Dramamine help with rides? Im thinking about trying the Cat in the Hat ride first to see how I like spins (cuz Im pretty sure it has spins ) And If I like that Ill go on Men in black! so does anyone know What I can do, If Ill even get sick, do these rides make people sick ( I loved them 2 years ago )

Best cure for bad heartburn after hard workout?

So I really over did it yesterday at the gym. I did an hour of various work outs, mostly cardio, but I ended my session with some sit ups and crunches. I felt nauseous while I was working out (I'm pretty out of shape) but I figured I would feel better once I stopped. I don't feel better. I have terrible heartburn and pain in my stomach (right under the sternum) which has been persistent for about 36 hours now. I have been taking Dramamine for the nausea and to help me sleep, but I've tried Tums and Maalox for the heartburn itself with no relief. Is there anything that I can take to help calm down my heartburn and to provide immediate relief?

What is the episode of the Office when this happens?

The ep. when Dwight shoots a gun in the office, when they make Ryan move to the closet, and when Andy first shows up?

What would happen if I took 4 expired dramamine?

i want to get a little high and go to sleep... but not die while i'm at it. will this do anything for me at all?

(SPOILER) A Bioshock 1 question?

I understand this great game, but one thing I don't get is when you kill Andrew Ryan, what stops him from being revived? I know he switched off the vita chamber in his office but why can't he just respond in another one, cause some places where I died as Jack there was no vita chamber that close by but it still just takes you to the one that is closest, so why not the same for Ryan?

Boyfriend problem..........?

My boyfriend had reallyyy gorgeous long hair. like the justin bieber/ryan sheckler (pre shave) hair. and it was one of the many things i loved about him. andd he shaved it all off. idk what to do. he wont let me see his hair cut so i dont know if it looks good or not. he might look better. or he might look terrible. i know its bad to date someone cuz of their looks but he isnt that great of a boyfriend to begin with and now i dont even know if he looks good. should i break up with him??? or just get used to it while it grows back out ???? im hoping his short hair will make him be nicer to me ;3

Does dramamine really mess up your brain?

i took dramamine in the 7th grade i took 26 for my first time and i got supper messed up i know i shouldnt have done it and i regret doing it every day of my life i was wondering if it messed up your brain cause i heard it did but i am also an A student and im not sure it affected my brain that bad please help

I'm 15... and my mom doesn't want me to be around my friend because she doesn't have any parents around?

Maybe you your friend and your mom could hang out sometimes so your mom could get to know her and not think bad about her.

Felt nauseous after taking Dramamine?

I took half a Dramamine and when I swallowed with water, it got stuck at the back of my throat. I swallowed again and I felt really nauseous, like when your head feels like your hallucinating. I'm really scared cause I don't know if Dramamine expires or not. I'm sure it was at least three or two years old. Help! I'm so scared I'm shivering.

Lake brazos restaurant sucks?


How do you think this guy looks and why?

Haha awh you look adorable! You have more of a round full face with some baby fat making you look like a little kid,

Help with my manga character?

Well I have an idea for Shirou. His gift might be reading people's minds and that's the reason he has trouble being around them. People don't always like it when he does that. Hope I helped :)

Please help. Dramamine overdose. Urinary?

You need to get to the ER right away as it sounds like your kidneys might be shutting down. You are very fortunate that you woke up at all. Now do the right thing and go to the ER.

I get very nauseous from Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo, exactly 8 hours after I take it. What can I do about it?

The nausea is happening when it hits your blood stream. So food doesn't matter, it's not your stomach that's the problem. I'd switch to the birth control patch if I were you.

Anybody who can help me get over my fear of airplanes PLEASE answer!?

Ok so I'm really afraid of planes and I'm not sure why maybe fear of death or something I'm not sure and next month there's a band trip to Disney Land and I REALLY want to go (come on no parents for a week) and I'm not sure how I can since we have to fly but when I was really little like around 1-2 I flew all the time and I never had any problem with it ever and I flew sometimes like twice a week then I didn't fly for several years and I started to have a fear of flying but not bad I thought I could still do it if I needed to then about a year and a half ago I had to fly to Wisconsin with my dad and I was scared in the weeks leading up to the flight then the day of the flight came and I was really scared but I tried to stay calm and it didn't help much I was a little sick to my stomach I kept getting up and walking around trying to get my mind off of it which seemed to help a little and we got on the plane once we were up in the air I was fine and it was cool looking out the window and stuff and I was the same for the two flights there and back then about five months after that I had to fly back to wisconsin with my mom and once again in the weeks leading up to the flight I was scared really scared at night I'd have bad dreams and wake up freaking out nervous, and felt like I was going to throw up and stuff , whenever someone would mention planes or flying or whatever I'd feel that way then came the morning of that flight and I was flipping out sweating, sick feeling and just scared and then we got to the airport and we still had a few hours to kill before the flight so we ate and went to some of the shops and stuff and the whole time the flight was still on my mind and I was really sick to the stomach and then finally when they called us to board the plane I was literally crying I was hysterical we got on the plane and got seated and I was freaking out shaking, crying, my mom was trying to calm me down and it was just making it worse and people were staring and I really didn't care then the plane started moving and I hate the take off the most I was totally silent other than maybe hyperventalating a little and then when we were in the air I was still shaking and not completely calm but I was a little bit better when the plane landed my mom gave me dramamine wich I had never taken before cause she thought it would help and when we went to board again it didnt do anything so she gave me two more then she realized Dramamine was for motion sickness and I had a bad reaction to it my pulse went up, I got lightheaded and couldnt walk and basically passed out so we missed our flight so the ticket guy exchanged our tickets for bus tickets from Chicago to Madison and after that I was happy no more planes that day but then when we had to leave things got worse I was thinking about it the whole week and when we got to the airport and through security and everything I totally had a panic attack / meltdown or whatever I ran into the bathroom and locked the stall door and started crying and wouldnt open it and my mom came in and started yelling at me and made it worse and she got somebody who worked at the airport to come in and by that time I really was hyperventilating and they finally got me to open the door and I was so sick and freaked out and had missed the last two flights back that night we ended up having to rent a car and drive home but anyway It was really bad and I really want to be able to go to Disney land and next year my Dad and stepmom are planning a trip to California and I really want to go so please, please help me thank you so much.

What are your opinions on Casey Anthony and the Trial?

My opinion/opinions on the Casey Anthony trial don't matter. I am not a member of the jury, and the jury is the only group who can legally determine guilt or innocence.

How do you..............?

How do you become a rebellious 14 year old girl? I realllllly wanna be a rebel to my parents but idk how to w/o changing my PLZZZZZ TELL ME HOW TO!!!!!!!! I'LL DO ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terrified of flying on airplanes...?

I've literally been flying since I was a baby (I'm now 21). In the past few years I've become absolutely terrified of flying. I never remember being scared when I was younger. I fly probably 4-5 times a year, but recently I've been going out of my way to avoid it at all costs. I've tried Dramamine (as suggested by my mom), but that doesn't help at all, and if anything it just makes my senses more heightened. I'm not claustrophobic at all, I just get really scared when my life is in the hands of someone I don't know/fully trust. I am flying to the Dominican Republic in a few months and am already stressing out about it. I am seriously considering going to the doctor to get a prescription for Xanax. Anybody else have any helpful advice on what works for them when the fly?

What do you think of this playlist?

really great, Gouge Away is my favorite song by The Pixies. I think you should switch Halelujah with I'm Eighteen. Theyre both great songs but I think Halalujah is better

How did ryan dunn die?

He died in a car crash, like he didnt collide his car with another car, but it trailed off the road & into a forest & started a fire:/ r.i.p ryan dunn<3

Dramamine and benadryl?

hey since Dramamine and benadryl are so closely related does that mean if you build up tolerance towards lets say benadryl, have you also grown a tolerance towards dramamine? I know they are for different purposes but i use benadryl to sleep but i use it often and now built up a tolerance, so if i were to take dramamine for the sedative effects would it work good or do i also have a tolerance to Dramamine now?

A Feminist Fairy Tale, would it work?

In my story version of Cinderella; takes place in a 17th century country that was under Patriarchal Puritanism, they weeded out all Catholics and Pagans and destroyed statues of the Virgin Mary and the Goddess. And here is were the Cinderella character comes along, her mother died giving birth to her while under the statue of the Virgin Mother/Goddess in some sort of graveyard. Her Father married again to an unkind woman with 2 self-righteous daughters, and the Father soon died from an illness, and the Stepmother remarried again to a harsh Calvinist. The women of this time were looked down upon, they were expected to follow their Husbands/Father's guidance and advice. Cinderella was headstrong and rebellious, which only angered her stepfamily, they would beat her until her back was bloody. The step-family then threatened her that if she does marry a man they choose for her, they would send her to a brothel; and if she ran away, they would have her chased as a thief and whore. Cinderella ran towards the graveyard to cry, and she found the Virgin Mother/Goddess statue and wept underneath it. Until, a very ugly old woman dressed in black and in the company of owls and black cats appeared and frightened her. She thought she was a pagan witch, but the Pagan woman helped her in a fairy godmother way, but as the girl turned around to thank the Pagan woman, she saw the statue of the Virgin Mary/Goddess winked at her.

When i drink or smoke i tend to throw up . would taking Dramamine help?

i know you throw up from drinking too much, I'm not dumb , bu i don't drink like insane amounts . what gets me sick is the spinning of the room . i get motion sickness especially on boats or repetitive roller coaster rides . would Dramamine help ?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So jealous and bitter of my cousin.?

I really don't want to sound mean here but you've had everything including what sounds like it should have been a wonderful family even if it was all boys. Girls are great but those boys were your babies and deserved as much love as a little girl would have gotten. The cousin that moved away sounds like she is having a good life too even though the people that are supposed to be her family treat her like they do. I feel bad for her not you. To be honest you really should see someone professionally because you're too old to be the way you are. You should feel blessed that you have what you have.

Help me with my character's name?

Ashton, Ashley, Rebecca, Brianna, Savi, Savanna, Alica, Piper, Tori, Carmen, Tobi, Lola, Lorie, Tiffany, Sylvia.

Is there a NON-drowsy motion sickness medicine?

I get motion sickness really bad. I can't even take a quick 15 minute car ride to the store without needing to vomit. I usually take Dramamine, but even the "Less Drowsy" formula makes me feel tired. Is there anything else that won't make me drowsy at all?

Would someone like to explain to me the logic of this?

Why in the hell, with a leadoff guy like Reyes for the Mets, is Victor Martinez behind the plate? I love Victor but we all know he can't throw out runners. Plus we need Avila's bat in the lineup. Then there's Check Swing Inge and Ryan Rugburn, the deadly duo starting at 2nd & 3rd while Santiago and Kelly are benched. Why??

Fear of flying- Airtran?

When I was younger, my mother was a flight attendant. I flew everywhere with her. I loved it! I have always had motion sickness and hated the way the plan took off (climbed) and dropped (landing). In my junior year of hs, I went to Spain. The outbound flight went well. I slept most of the time (Dramamine). Coming back didn't work so well. I forgot to take my medicine. As we were crossing the Atlantic, there was horrible turbulence. I started to become paranoid and I was sick as a dog! We were dropping way too fast and too soon! I was a shaking, crying, screaming, vomiting mess on that Lufthansa flight. I felt impending doom. It was horrible. Now, I'm going to Florida (we go almost every year, except these last couple of years). We're flying Airtran! I'm nervous. I'm a Delta type of girl. My question(s) (finally): Is it an OK/safe airline? What should I do besides take Dramamine to keep my cool? I'm afraid to fly any airline now! I've been praying but I'm so nervous! I keep thinking for the worst! Help!!!!!!!

How to prevent motion sickness?

I went bottom fishing today, and even though I took 2 Dramamine an hour before the boat left I was still puking. What can I do if Dramamine doesn't work?

Does Ryan Higa from youtube have a girlfriend?

I want to know if Ryan Higa from youtube has a girl friend? his channel name is nigahiga or higatv ( please dont leave rude comment that could hurt my feeling or i will report it)

What are your favorite names?

Amber Elly? Rosalia Kathrynne. Just my opinion :) I like the name Joao >.< It's portuguese for john :)

What is your fantasy baseball team?

Not bad. If you are talking long-term and not this season, I would take Robinson Cano over Rickie Weeks. Weeks is having a good season, but Cano is the better player. His average is down this season, but he's still around .290, with plenty of time to bring it up. He also has 14 HR and around 50 RBIs. He should have a monster second half and end up over .300 with 30 HR and over 100RBIs. I know you probably wouldn't pick him anyway, I have seen your questions and know you hate anything that has to do with the Yankees, but Cano is better, hands-down, than Rickie Weeks. The stats back it up.

Does this actually make me racist?

Yea black people have black history months but white people have holidays all through out the year the only true black holiday is Martin Luther kings day:: while white people have every other holiday:: it also seems like u do feel intimidated by black people because their proud to be black3:: be proud to be white just don't be racist::: dude just don't take it so personal I'm Hispanic and where that proudly it may come off as cocky but it is what it is

Which sibset do you like best? + 2 BQ's?

Ryan, Bentley, Logan, and Colten, not a big fan of Carly! BQ 1 Aiden Levi and Hunter Chance, Brylee Ryan and Aubrie Marie :) BQ 2 cute names. i love how one is the initals one way and the other is the opposite

How can I look more Rebellious?

First time ever, but, I don't know how to look more rebellious. I mean, I am dying my hair blue and black. But what can I wear to make it stand out? I just want my look to be a big middle finger to society and say "haha look what i'm wearing". How can i make the true scene come out and stop the preppy bs?

How to persuade my mom to let me get my tragus pierced?

I've wanted my tragus pierced for a long time now. I've thought about it and weighed up all the risks and I definitely want to go through with it. But my mom keeps saying 'maybe' or 'we'll see'. When I ask her the reasons why she wont let me get it done she just says 'because I'm your mother'. It's starting to annoy me because she just wont tell me why. I am only 14 so I can not get it pierced without parental permission and I am not willing to do it without my mom saying yes. I'm not piercing it myself and I don't want to fall out with my mom over this. How can I persuade her to let me get it done? I'm not exactly a rebellious child, I'm pretty much a straight A student, I've never dyed my hair, I don't smoke, I don't wear ridiculous amounts of make up and I never argue with my parents. I just don't understand why she won't let me. Family members have said that it will look lovely. How can I persuade her without arguing with her? Thanks in advance!

Guy problem please help?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

What's a fun rebellious teen summer idea? boyfriend and all of my friends are off on vacation and I'm stuck at home doing nothing. I wanna do something crazy just for the frill of having fun! I've always been a goody goody and I'm ready to do something exciting! Not including drugs though... :)

Name these baseball players in order of how good you think they are?

I don't know much about Braun so I'm going to have to leave him out. But I'm going to say Reyes, Hamilton, A-Roid, Teixiera, Jeter

I need help selling shirts online?

i made thia r.i.p. ryan dunn shirt. i put it on a page on facebook that honors him and anyway other people liked it. so my q is how would i recive there payment. i know how to send the shirts but how do i recive funding for them?

Am I completely over-reacting? Any advice?

Ok if no one answered i will share my limited knowledge on the matter. The fact that you are going through the menstruation cycle is in itself a factor that suggests you are perfectly capable of having children. So seriously, dont worry, there are numerous cases of people maintaining irregular cycles lon into adult life. if your 16 then it clearly is not in2 a suspicious time frame yet. In fact i will give you this advice - in contrary belief 2 the worry u may not have children you actually need to be more careful on a variable cycle as the ovulation process itself can vary , and it can often take sum1 unawares. Also when you say *barely* in which it lasts only 3 day, the actual *normal* length varies at 2-7 days and so you are currently in the normal range.

Do you swallow Dramamine whole or do you chew it?

I have Dramamine original formula for motion sickness but im confused on how to take it do you just swallow it whole with water or do you chew it? Its for adults and children so i just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

Would this be a good trade need to know?

that would be a horrible trade for baltimore.... what would the cardinals be losing? orioles need brian roberts bad he's a big component to the team. Look who's playing second right now... there is no consistent 2nd baseman cause they all suck so bad trade for o's

How long does it take for Dramamine to get out of your system if you took 8?

i feel awful and let i am not grounded or something, i took it 5 hours ago but when will the feeling wear off? i have not slept because of the horrible empty feeling i have on this drug

Eating before tripping?

2 days ago i took 12 dramamine for the first time,and i didnt eat anything that day, it was hella intense and different from anything ive done before, better than taking 16 triple C's. yesterday night me and my friend ate a sandwich and some other food then about 3 hours after that we both popped 12 dramamine and i really didnt feel anything from it (no hallucinations or weird talking lol) is it because we ate? or some other reason? we are going to wait until this coming up weekend to try it again, any tips?

9 Weeks Pregnant w/ SEVERE Morning Sickness?

First of all I sympathise with you, I have also been there but there is light at the end of the tunnel, hopefully it will ease by 16 weeks and you should get the glow your talking about, my morning sickness was horrendous on my 3rd but what i did find helpful was gavisgon and that is safe in pregnancy, also nibbling like you are doing, little and often but i used to nibble contently on raw veg, that also seemed to help with the acid, raw cabbage was especially good, avoid any acidic foods at the moment, drink cranberry juice with orange juice as it will not be so acidic, avoid chewing gums too, i made that mistake and it made me worse oh and drink lots and lots of full fat milk, hope this helps and good luck with your pregnancy xx

My child is an orphan & i am not able to take him through school am a single mother how can i be helped out.?

Ryan Travis Eshetemy is a born of 2004 and now he is 7 years old. He's father was murdered in 2009 when in still in nursery and ever since then education has become a problem because of lack of funds. Please i request any one to help me in this matter. Iam Lydia Nalikka a Ugandan of 32 years. Thanking you.

Older brother molested me, need help.?

I admire you, you are an incredibly strong person. I don't think you should bring this up to your brother at this time but I do think you should tell your boyfriend. If you are in love with him or are extremely close to being at that point you need to tell him. Just sit him down one day and tell him all these things you just wrote. If he feels the same way about you then he should understand why you're so reserved and support you. I also think you should see a psychologist to work through whatever issues are still there and your boyfriend could even join in on some sessions. I think it's time you tell him what happened and it's time to move on with him and find your happiness. Good luck!(:

What can I do or take to stop myself from getting sick on airplanes!!!?

I get horribly nauseous and light headed everytime I fly on an airplane. I don't fly too often, maybe 3-4 times per year, but when I do, I literally feel like I want to die! On a flight from Salt Lake City to Washington D.C. last year, I stood in the back of the plane with the flight attendants for the entire 5 hour flight where I threw up maybe a dozen times. It has gotten so bad that I have skipped out on family vacations because I cannot even fathom trying to last on a flight. I love traveling and this condition has made me miss opportunities in my life that I will never get again. I have tried dramamine, bonine, ginger, wristbands, and even valium. Nothing works. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, I need something that works! I am supposed to go to NYC in 2 months and am actually dreading it, even though I know it is an incredible opportunity. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Cute Boy Name Suggestions?

I love all those names! And my favorite is jerimiah but I think you should add the name Garrett to that list lol and no Peyton is not to girly

Early 2000's nickelodeon tv show in the UK?

i can't remember the name of it, i can only remember it vaguely but it was a teenage girl and she had a best friend but he was a boy, but he always liked her, i think she was quite rebellious due to her parents being broken up, i don't know where her mother was, but she lived with her dad, and her dad's girlfriend, and always resented her dads girlfriend because it wasn't her mum, her dad and his girlfriend had a child also, towards the end of the series i know this doesnt really help, but could anyone tell me what it was called?!

Can you give a 1 1/2 year old dramamine?

I have a 1 1/2 year old and I am going to be flying with her. Can I give her Dramamine and if so what is the dosage??

Things to do on a road trip?

Me and my friend are going to Disney World Orlando Florida in October for our graduation trip. She is going with me, my parents and my aunt and uncle. My mom has a Ford Freestyle which we are taking. It has a lot of room, thank god because its going to take over 16 hours to get there because we live in PA. We already decided since we get car sick fast, and were sitting way in the back of the car, were going to take Dramamine and hang up blankets to separate the front half of the car from the back and cover up the two side windows. Were taking our ipods, DVD player, and cell phones so far. we are going shopping before the trip to get snacks, drinks, travel pillows, and stuff like that. What else can we take to keep us busy during the car trip? What are some of the things we can do?

Why are people ignoring and/or rejecting God?

Oh my God! Your completely irrational argument, that essentially said "fraggle fraggle, garble garble", has completely changed my belief system. Please give me any logical evidence that proves that there is a god. I have no emotional motivation to be atheist, just as an alcoholic would rather be oblivious when drunk, theists would rather be oblivious with faith.

How to not get sick on roller coasters?

I LOVE roller coasters but it never seems to fail that after riding two, I am sick to my stomach and have to stop myself from going on another or I will puke. I always take dramamine before I go on the ride but I was wondering if there was anything else I could do to prevent myself from not getting sick because its really annoying.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My cat is getting car sick, what should I do?

Every time I bring my cat places he gets sick, I have tried not feeding him before we go, feeding him before we go, covering the cage, not covering the cage, everything!! What should I do next, and leaving him home is not an option. Is there dramamine for cats?

Does Dramamine work for long bus rides?

Im going to a 12 hour bus ride at 11:00 PM and i get carsick.Does Dramamine work so you wont have nauseas vomiting and dizzienes?It's FINE if i get droswy because i mostly ust want to sleep along the way

What would happen if I overdosed...?

i really hope you take my advice because I've been having the same problem as you still am. All you can do is try to talk to someone. Anyone. It sucks when you do't have that support i know. Try to stay strong. Go out and try to get your own counciler. Don't harm yourself though. Bad move you get punished not helped. How old are you because harming your self is deep

Can I still Take dramamine even though it expired one month ago?

I need it so i can go on rollar coasters next week. It expired last month in april. Will i still be able to take it without you know nothing bad happening. please i really need help cuz i really wanna go on the rides cuz Dramamine helps me a lot!

Is living will going to be released?

(A film starring Ryan Dunn) I can't find out anywhere if it will be released, and after his untimely death it's hard to know if it will be or not :/

How to meet in the middle with my mom?

First of all, just please get this straight..i love my mom, she's my best friend, and i can tell her anything, and respect that she takes care of me and loves me..but i just want to know how i can try and talk to her, and meet in the middle with her..sometimes i feel her beliefs and punishments can be a little..unnecessary. It's summer where i live, and i'm all excited, first summer of highschool, and can't wait to have fun with my friends and make it great! My mom typically gives me a lot of freedoms..compared to last year, its amazing and i'm very happy she has. I love my friends, i have some of the best friends in the world, and they help make my life amazinh, and i love talking to them and being with them. My mom lets me text and stuff during the day, but she won't let me text past 11 at night..which, i understand is lateish, but i really do like talking to my friends and being up all night, what teenager doesn't? I don't get why she won't let me..and yes, i made a disrespectful move, and use skype and a texting app so i could talk to then past 11 (she cut my texting off past 11) and she found out, and got upset. The main issue really with this, is i stay up really late, and sleep in all hours of the day, but hey, its summer, i don't really do much..i just want to see if theres anyway i can try to talk to her, and make her understand that i realy do want to talk to my friends, and that it is summer, and i want to be to stay up late..can anyone give me any suggestions? Again, i respect my mom, and am not "rebellious". I just want a little more freedom with this..and please don't be rude.

Dramamine experiences?

wow dude. i tried it once and took 14 and felt like pure ****. vomiting was the main symptom but more annoying was that i kept hearing people call me and i would answer them only to realize no one was there.

How do you.................?

im 14 too, so im NOT talking down to you. but wtf bro. you are complaining about getting yelled at, but if you rebel, you will still get yelled at. so are you doing this because your pissed, or because of personall satisfaction,. do you really want to "REBEL" because i have some things that will help, but if your doing this so you feel like a baddass then i suggest you get over it, it wont do you anygood. this sounds sorta creepy, but if you seriously want to talk. email me,

I'm 16 and I think about sex 24/7?

Normal. Once a boy hits puberty(average age is about 12) this is pretty much how it is until the day you die. lol

Who will be the next New York Rangers captain?

With Drury gone it looks like the 3 leading candidates are: Ryan Callahan (my personal choice) Brandon Dubinsky, or Mark Staal, who'll it be?

So me and my grandma fight alllll the time.....?

To start off with, I live with my grandparents......So earlier today me and my grandma were fighting over what i should wear to church, and its always freezing in there so i was gonna wear dress pants, but she freaked out on me and screamed no you have to wear one of your nice dresses and she made me wear somethin that went aboue my knees and i froze in church and this happens on a daily basis and i feel really bad about it after a few hours but latley ive just felt like being a rebel (idk why, but its summer and im 14 and ive never done anything bad before) but i was just wandering what are some rebellious things to do that isnt like dying my hair or changing my apperance?

I really need to get over my emetophobia?

I suffer from moderate emetophobia. However, I love to fly on airplanes and hope to be a pilot one day. But, im scarred of motion sickness when I fly and always take dramamine. I need to get over this phobia fast, NOW! please help

Like Jackass but Half-***?

Not stopping at a stop sign is just stupid, what if another car is flying past and you get hit? Yea rethink that one.

We have a very skittish cat and will be moving soon.We are not able to get her in carrier or give her dramine?

we cant get her into the cat carrier or give her Dramamine to calm her down,she will not take it with food or by putting it in her mouth between her cheek and tongue.Anyone have any suggestions as to how we can possibly get some medication in her before we attempt to put her into the cat carrier? Thanks.

How can I improve this plot?

it is about a boy 16 year old boy called Aaron price and he lives in a medieval fantasy world. He was kicked out of his house by his parents because he and his parents fought with him there whole life (his parents were overprotective). anyway he has to live off the land and when he is hunting he comes across a danger us CREATURE called a Snorex. He almost kills it but a man comes out and says its friendly. Aaron asks the man why he would have one as a pet and he says that the world is getting more dangerus and the war with the goblins, and urxes vs the all elves, men, and dwarfs is getting more dangerus because more innocent people are dying. (the goblins were shuned by socitey because they looked ugly since the begining of time and the urxes are rebellious people shunning goblins thats why they want war). anyway Aaron finds out the man is traveling to the kingdom to ask to fight for the king and Aaron asks to go with him. He agrees and the man teaches him sword fighting. while on the trip Aaron finds a Mysterious cape that when he puts it on he blends into the shadows he also learns that once he puts it on he can shadow travel. he hides it from the man. one night when they are sword fighting a group of shadow elves attack them. The man uses magic to defend himself and Aaron finds out that he is a elf. They keep on journering and they are attacked by more shadow elves the man asks aaron if he has anything he shouldent have and he shows him the cape. The man gets mad takes the cape and tells Aaron that he has put them both in grave danger for the shadow cape is the shadow elves sacred object (each type of elf has a antient object like the forest elves have the leaf of life). they then travel to the elvish holy city and give the cape to the elf king. the elf king tells them to take it and the elf king gives them both guardians. The gurdians are a wizard and a dwarf.

Will I be able to wake up for school...?

If I took 7 Dramamine pills (350mg of dimenhydrinate) around 9-9:30 pm. I wake up for school around 5:35 am. I weigh about 122 pounds. Last time I took some, I took 5 pills (250 mg). I took them on the weekend around 9:30 pm. I fell asleep around 10:30-11 pm and woke up around 6:30 the next morning; I was so tired that day. It was a weird feeling, very lightheaded, almost dizzy, really relaxed.

Is it possible to get high off Dramamine?

in a medium to high dose around 8-12 pills; around 500 mg you will hallucinate, and not in the ways of a mushroom or LCD high. it isn't all that great it's barely a high and an extremely high percentage of people who have tried this never have tried it again.

Which name for this story?

skyla or sahara, they both sound as though they could be both sweet and cute but then you can picture them being extremely rebellious :L x

So me and my grandma fight alllll the time.....?

To start off with, I live with my grandparents......So earlier today me and my grandma were fighting over what i should wear to church, and its always freezing in there so i was gonna wear dress pants, but she freaked out on me and screamed no you have to wear one of your nice dresses and she made me wear somethin that went aboue my knees and i froze in church and this happens on a daily basis and i feel really bad about it after a few hours but latley ive just felt like being a rebel (idk why, but its summer and im 14 and ive never done anything bad before) but i was just wandering what are some rebellious things to do that isnt like dying my hair or changing my apperance?

Will reading when taking Dramamine be bad on a plane?

Dramamine will make you very sleepy. There usually is less motion on a plane then in a car. I really don't think motion sickness will be a problem. Take a book or some magazines and your earphones and a snack. If you are traveling with someone take a deck of cards.

Signs of dizziness and unsteadiness?

I woke up in the middle of the night, turned to look at my alarm clock, and the whole room started spinning. This happened multiple times over the course of the night, and I woke up in the morning feeling the same way. I was able to walk over to my mom for help, but I feel very unbalanced, unstable, unsteady, and lightheaded. I took a Dramamine which actually eased the spinning. It is a very discomforting feeling. I have no fever or any signs of nausea. I am a sophomore in high school, I am very athletic, I am missing soccer tryouts today, I am rarely ever sick, may someone please tell give me any ideas on what is going on/what I should do? Are these signs of vertigo?

Which love interest should my protagonist end up with?

Love interest number 2, Edward. It just sounds like what would happen in a book. The mature girl ends up with the dark and creepy guy that has done things that he regrets. I think it would make a perfect couple for a story.

Puking because of roller coasters?

Dramamine helps BUT it makes you really sleepy and it's not the best thing to take when you are going to be on roller coasters. The best things are Sea Bands. They are wristbands that you wear around your wrists. You can purchase them at Walgreens and Wal Mart. They run about $10 and they are all reuseable. They do not make you tired. Sea Bands also makes a ginger gum that runs around $5 and is sold at Walgreens (I've never seen it at Walmart). It helps it you chew it right before a ride.

What can trigger nausea?

My Mom is 88, she has been suffering from nausea for months now..usually Dramamine helps,.but could it be her gallbladder?

Identify STYTCD song?

so tonight Ricky and Ryan had a contemporary dance. You know during that part where they show a video of them learning it and their thoughts onthe dance? There was a song playing during that little snip it (in the background). I was wondering if anyone knew the name of that song? I would post a link to the snip it but there aren't any videos of it up =/ please help. 10 points for the song name.

Help Choosing a Book!?

Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is pretty cool, but you should probably read the first book in the trilogy the Hunger Games. The third book is Mockingjay.

Medicine for flying nerves?

I an going to be going to Florida in March and I need some help w/ nerves. I am already taking Dramamine for my stomach but what about to calm my nerves down? I don't care how much it effects me, I don't care if the stuff makes me higher then a kite I jst need something.

Planning to ride roller coaster for first time. if I get sick, what medicine should i take?

Tums works immediately. I've been using them for years for motion sickness. They're chew-able pills that are supposed to be for heartburn and indigestion among other things, but for some reason work for motion sickness not sure why but they work really well for it lol. If you do get motion sickness, next time you go on a roller coaster take bonine an hour or so before it's a better version of dramamine.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Ryden/rydon fanfiction..?

Ok, so does anyone know a really really good ryden/rydon fanfiction appart from THROAM? Or maybe one where Ryan is a girl? Or a really good long one?

How to not get sick on an 18 hour non stop bus ride?

Drink plenty of water and take huge amount of breathes when you start to get dizzy. Or just sleep on the ride

Who has a fear of getting an anxiety attack on a plane, and did klonopin and dramamine help you?

I'm getting ready for a flight and need some reassurance. Best answer gets 5 *s and 10 pts. :] thank you in advance. This question is vital to me!

Shouldnt there be a limit on how much tobacco, alcohol or over the counter medications someone can legally buy?

You make a great point, but you have to remember that with Prop 19, the objective is to get it legalized. Proponents will address other issues like quantities later. The process is incremental and will be worked on one step at a time, which allows people to adjust. Trying to pass legalization without some limitations would spell defeat for legalization efforts.

Is Ryan Howard the most overrated player in the MLB?

Well, in 2008, I thought he was deserving of the MVP. Sure, he strikes out 200 times a season and bats about 220, and he can't field for sh!t, but his 40 homers arent too shabby. Now, Howard has gone from superstar, to a normal player, as everything has remained the same except his power, which has declined. I think he's a decent player, but not a perennial all-star, like people still imagine him as. I mean, it like picking Scott Kazmir to win the Cy Young!

I'm 16 and I think about sex ALL THE TIME!!?

Dude, likewise, I'm also 16. The reason why guys our age think about it so much is because, compared to adults, Sex is still very new to us and we know it feels so good which is why we want to explore it and are so eager to learn about it. Don't worry, that's normal. It will fade over time

How to help my motion sickness?

I'm a college student who takes the bus to school ever day. It's paid for in my tuition & fees and parking costs $5/day so I pretty much have no choice but to take it. I've always had bad motion sickness on planes, boats and sometimes cars but lately it's become unbearable on this bus. I can't take dramamine even though that's what I usually do because it makes me super drowsy and obviously I don't want to be falling asleep in class. Does anyone know of any non-drowsy medicine or home remedies that can help me?

Are dramamine safe to take with vicodin?

i suffer from motion sickness so i have to take dramamine once a day but i broke my hand a few days ago and got prescribed vicodin i was just wonderin is it safe take them both in the same day

Women are expected to be clingy?

trust me on this one - your either to clingy and she is turned off - or if your not clingy enough you dont care enough - belive me - im 46 and heard it all and still to this day have come to the conclusion - you cant win either way and its another lame excuse to be dumped for no reason - ha

Does Nolan Ryan own the Rangers and Astros, or just the Rangers.?

He is part of an ownership team that owns only the Rangers. You cannot own more than one team in MLB.

Are Republicans trying to force Democrats to adopt the Paul Ryan Plan?

Republicans have swallowed the poison pill by adopting Paul Ryan's plan to cut Medicare. Are they forcing the Democrats to do the same with the debt limit blackmail?

Who do you think'll win The Glee Project?

I really want Damian to win, but it's said he's touring with CT this fall. And I know McKynlee doesn't win because she's going to school in the fall. Yet, Ryan Murphy said it was a guy that won... Who do you think? It might be either Samuel or Cameron, because Matheus is going to be eliminated in the next two episodes said another spoiler.

What do I do about motion sickness while watching movies?

Paranormal Activity, Quarantine, The Last Excorcism, and Battle LA all made me hurl. I tried Dramamine and it made me violently ill. I can't live without horror movies! What do I do?

How canI improve this plot?

it is about a boy 16 year old boy called Aaron price and he lives in a medieval fantasy world. He was kicked out of his house by his parents because he and his parents fought with him there whole life (his parents were overprotective). anyway he has to live off the land and when he is hunting he comes across a danger us CREATURE called a Snorex. He almost kills it but a man comes out and says its friendly. Aaron asks the man why he would have one as a pet and he says that the world is getting more dangerus and the war with the goblins, and urxes vs the all elves, men, and dwarfs is getting more dangerus because more innocent people are dying. (the goblins were shuned by socitey because they looked ugly since the begining of time and the urxes are rebellious people shunning goblins thats why they want war). anyway Aaron finds out the man is traveling to the kingdom to ask to fight for the king and Aaron asks to go with him. He agrees and the man teaches him sword fighting. while on the trip Aaron finds a Mysterious cape that when he puts it on he blends into the shadows he also learns that once he puts it on he can shadow travel. he hides it from the man. one night when they are sword fighting a group of shadow elves attack them. The man uses magic to defend himself and Aaron finds out that he is a elf. They keep on journering and they are attacked by more shadow elves the man asks aaron if he has anything he shouldent have and he shows him the cape. The man gets mad takes the cape and tells Aaron that he has put them both in grave danger for the shadow cape is the shadow elves sacred object (each type of elf has a antient object like the forest elves have the leaf of life). they then travel to the elvish holy city and give the cape to the elf king. the elf king tells them to take it and the elf king gives them both guardians. The gurdians are a wizard and a dwarf.

Will Dramamine work for this?

No, it will make it worse. Staying well-hydrated with lots of water will help as much or more than any meds, regardless of the amount of sleep you have gotten.

I need help talking to my mom.?

It's not that i hate her. I love my mom. I really do but sometimes, when she wants to talk to me, i just don't feel like talking to her. And if i do say "mom, i'm sorry but i don't think i wanna talk right now" she'd go "what's wrong?" And i just cant seem to answer her because, no one or nothing made me upset. it's just that, you just don't feel like it. Do you know how that feels? It's not something you can explain or put into words. Shouldn't the sentence "i don't feel like talking" like, tell you everything there is to know? So, how was i suppose to answer her? i just said "nothing" and she'd ask why again, then when i repeat my answer she'd go "sure there's nothing? OK" and the way she said it is not the way you say it if you really understand why i felt that way. and whenever she lectures me, and if i dont respond to her the way she wants me to, she'd read out sentences and responses like she's reading it from a english grammar textbook... it's so annoying cause it sounds so fake to me like i'm a robot programmed to say things she wants to hear but fact is, i don't want to answer her that way. I don't wanna tell her that cause i did told her once and she just said that i must learn to not close myself up to words i dont wanna hear. Conclusion : i's just so hard to talk to her. I know that for things to change, i must change but, how should i change? I do talk to my mum and i enjoy myself doing so but sigh... i just hope you understand how i'm thinking and feel and tell me how i should change. But please, don't tell me to answer her stupid questions (literally stupid questions like "have you cooked the rice?" when she's looking at a rice cooker in the middle of boiling the rice" or giving responses to stupid remarks " literally stupid like "The dog pooped" when she just wants me to clean it up. Can't she just say clean the poop. I've felt like answering "so?" many times but i can't) like how english grammar textbooks would tell you to cause i hate it. pls help, i don't wanna hurt her anymore than i am already. I'm 17 and i know i sound like some rebellious teenager but i dont wanna be an ungrateful brat that only cares for herself (though i might already sound like it). I want my mom to understand me without her lecturing me. I just want her to sit down and listen to me without interrupting and finally just saying "ok, i understand" or something like that, but not answering me by lecturing me. I talked like daughter to mother talk before, and it didn't go well, in fact, nothing changed. And i don't want that to happen because despite her telling me that i can talk to her about anything, i can't.

Dizziness and Nausea?

I get dizzy spells and nausea a lot. I usually have Dramamine with me but sometimes I run out and forget to buy more. Are there any natural remedies, anything I can eat or drink that can help????

Sunday, August 7, 2011

My friend said she got high off of the motion sickness pill, dramamine. is that possible?

i wsn't sure whether to believe her or not, but she said she took 12 50mg dramamines and was doing the dumbest $hit and talking to people that weren't there. can you really become like this from ODing on a motion sickness pill?

How do I block a single website for free?

I do not allow my kids (ages 11, 12 and just turned 13) on Facebook at home and they know they are not supposed to be on it anywhere (they are not responsible enough nor are they old enough) but they are on the rebellious upcoming teenage phase in life. And of course grandma lets them do as they please so she doesn't have to hear them whine. How can I block Facebook on her computer (she knows I am going to block it and doesn't mind as she doesn't use it)? I have tried the "internet options, content, content adviser, and so on" it doesn't work. I mean it blocks facebook but then it blocks other sites (even those I tell it can always be accessed). I have also tried the "start, notepad c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, search, so on" that doesn't work either. Until I figure ut out they are not on the computers at all, but I don't want to keep it this way as they do use educational sites and games (such as jump-start and Are there any other ways to block FB without buying software to block just one site? She uses internet explorer on windows xp. Thank you for any tips!

Is Dramamine 100% effective in preventing sea sickness?

I have to go on a vacation and it involves a 1 hour boat ride there and a glass-bottom boat ride for the trip. I dont want to get sick cause it takes us out to the middle of the ocean. I dont really get motion sickness, but its better to be safe then sorry.

Severe motion sickness and going on a cruise.?

My husband and I are going on our first cruise soon. My husband gets severe motion sickness in the car unless he is driving and he got really sick on a whale watching trip, was "feeding the fish" the entire time....and he took Dramamine before we got on the boat. I have read about the patch, but have heard that people get really sick after they take it off? Anyone have any successful suggestions without the awful side effects?

What is a nice thing to say about someone who believes God is love, even though the Bible says otherwise?

what do you say to someone who cherry picks from the Bible without really trying to understand the bigger picture and what is actually being said?

How to make a memorable and fun summer?

Okay well idk who will understand, but every summer, all of my friends go to camp and last summer was soooo boring. i want to make this summer memorable...ya know. go on adventures, fall in love, steak out of the house. be rebellious. one of my other friends wants to do this also but we cant think of something big that can change our summer. we were planning on having a secret hide out that only we knew about and could sneak out to. can anyone help. WE WANT ADVENTURE! nothing w/ drugs or bad stuff. just fun adventures where we would be on our own and responsible only 14 THANKSS

Where can I get Dramamine for nausea and vomiting?

I'm 7 weeks pregnant and I keep on vomiting and they said to take dramamine for it but I don't know where to get it??

If I can't live under the same house as my parents, and I'm underaged, where do I go?

I remember being in your spot. It's not easy. I had no where to go, but I had friends who would listen to me and be a shoulder to cry on when everything got to be too much.

What movie is this, please answer!?

I'm pretty sure you're talking about Beaches. It has Bette Midler (the little fiery redhead) and Barbara Hershey (the more toned down brunette). I love this movie! So yes, you should definitely see it again :)

Does this Story Sound Interesting ????? Please offer tips and advice I am a beginner writer?

I think you're going good. but try to spice up the whole classic forbidden love thing. so many authors have almost used it up. but other than that, you're doing great.

If Paul Ryan's proposal for Medicare is a proposal, why are liberals asking people to sign up for it?

Don't they know what the word proposal means? Why do they block users from answering the question? I block no one and love the liberal rants.

Does anyone else get that feeling of not being real?

When I was a little kid, i used to wonder if my whole life was just a dream. I dunno why. I heard that the definition of psychopath is being detached from reality.

What animal would I be?

Lol sorry I couldn't help you but when you listed "territorial" I pictured an animal peeing on their "territory"

My dog gets car sick REALLY fast?

Put a blanket across your back seat or crate your dog during the car ride to save your back seat. Don't feed her before you go out. You can feed her a couple of ginger snaps before you go. Some trainers swear that ginger snaps helps with the nausea. Start by desensitizing your dog to the car. This means that at first the car is not moving. It may take a bit of time to do this but it's well worth it.

What would your kids names be? Star if you like!?

N/A. All of these names are too common. It seems like everyone these days are naming their kids these names. I look for something a little less common!

How can I get to sleep the night before surgery?

Try to relax after school and work. Also drink some chamomile tea the night before. I did that before my wisdom teeth were pulled. It helped some, also try do something that take your mind off of getting your wisdom teeth pulled, surf the net, or read a good book, that what I did prior to my wisdom pulled.

Maid of Honor help. What should I do?

I think you should leave any wedding party decisions until at least the year of the wedding. Why? Because as you have seen, relationships change, relationships grow, relationships end. If you get ahead of yourself you're just going to have drama in your lap. And then, there really isn't anything a wedding party needs to be doing a year in advance of your wedding date.

Can you mix Dramamine with Xanax and Methadone?

I have perscriptions for the substances. I am asking for personal experience, or someone who knows someone who did this. I'm seeing my doc Thursday but I'd like to see what personal experiences you all have, as I am taking a flight in 2 weeks. Thx, and please don't respond "ask your doctor" because I am going to do that.

My friend took dramamine and alcohol and now he's dead?

my friend took 4 dramamine tablets to prevent nausea and later had several shots of tequila and...lights out.

When to take Dramamine - before flight or during flight?

It is best to eat before you take it otherwise it might make your stomach upset. Also, take the dramamine approximately 30 mins before your flight :) and just one pill

What exactly does takeoff feel like? First time flying and very scared of getting

I'm flying for the first time next month and I'm really scared I'll get airsick. I hate rollercoasters, I don't like the feeling of coming off the ground and how your stomach goes up. A friend suggested I take dramamine before the flight, but I don't really want to be on something on the plane. I'm just afraid I'll be sick and have a panic attack in-flight because of my fear of flying. Can somebody explain to me the exact feeling of takeoff, and what I can do before the flight to calm myself down and not freak out when I get on? I'm excited about my trip, I've just never flown before.

What do you think? suggestiins? best with Michael?

I really love William Michael for a boy! but if your having Michael first then I like Michael Noah x

HELP!! How to not get sick at an amusement park?

Riding coasters plus alcohol is asking to get sick.. I go to Kings Dominion daily in the summer and also work there. If you have a problem with getting sick, bring along some Pepto Bismol and avoid eating ANYTHING hours before riding. Volcano abd Intimidator 305 are the only extremely intense coasters; so don't ride anything your stomach can't handle. Avoid rides that spin. Especially don't tough any alcohol before riding. Even the night before. Trust me. If it's hot out drink lots of fluid and wear light clothing. Heat can easily lead to an upset stomach. Don't drink while you're on any medicine either.

Season 8 SYTYCD June 28 song before Ryan and Ricky's number during their intro/rehearsal?

I'm looking for the name of the song that played during Ricky and Ryan's introduction/rehearsal where they talked about their first performances. It's really pretty and I'd like to know what the song is!

Parents: What would you do if your teenage child did........?

What those people said were so insensitive. Just because your probles aren't as dire as starving or being homeless DOES not mean they don't matter. I know how you feel. Why live if your invisible anyway and no one wants you here? Well Im not a parent at all! way to young. Maybe you wanna do this to end the pain or to make them guilty? Well even if they didn't miss you or care I don't even know you but I would you deserveto live even if your not treated like it. Find a way to vent like song writing or journaling. Find a close friend to talk to and if you can't work on loving yourself when no one else does <3 and about your situaion being "common" just because its common doesn't mean its easy or ok. Domestic abuse is common is that ok? no!

I did something pretty bad a school HELP!?

dude, they wont forget, i doubt they'll know. what dide you say in your email. Email i called my friend gay over an email as a jokeand got caught. they dont even care

I have a puke phobia, oh please help?

Don't worry I haven't puked for like seven years don't worry if you're scared probably just take the mess before you think it will come on

A Quick This Or That: Sophie Or Sophia?

I'd say Sophie. The name Sophia has only just become more popular, so when I think of a Sophia, I think of somebody younger. I think of a Sophie as being over 15.

I need help with my Dad?

Im so sick of my dad bossing me aroud ever since my mom "died". He tells me to make my bed, clean my room, and other chores, who does he think he is? Also, his cooking is terrible and he is always trying to hang out with me. I am thinking about becoming rebellious, should i? I might try cigarettes. If not, what else should i do?

Celebrities on Facebook?

Are there any celebrities (Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Debby Ryan, ETC.) that have Facebook accounts? And not those ones where you like them, I am talking about accounts you can friend. I am a really big fan of Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and Selena Gomez so do they have facebook accounts? I know everyone has asked this question but I wanted a new answer. So, let me know! Thanks :) - Jamie

What should I do about my carsickness?

I get carsick and its been getting worse every time my guy drives me somewhere. When I drive myself I don't get carsick. I drive an automatic and he drives a stick. Its been getting worse so bad I can't drive into town without needing to get out and walk around for a while and it only happens when the sun is out. I don't get out much since I was laid off and I think that may have something to do with my worsening carsickness but Ive always been sun weary. I always sit in the front seat and he drives a jeep and hes a careful driver. Im sick of being carsick is there some way to prevent it Ive tried eating before we go on a trip and I don't like using Dramamine cause Im so out of it at the grocery store I forget everything. Ive tried benadryl and I just don't like using drugs to fix the problem is there anyway I can fix this cause I can't go 6 miles to my local food lion without needing to stop and walk for and hour. I feel like a puppy please someone help me.

Help me with my character's name?

Ashton, Ashley, Rebecca, Brianna, Savi, Savanna, Alica, Piper, Tori, Carmen, Tobi, Lola, Lorie, Tiffany, Sylvia.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What are your opinions on Casey Anthony and the Trial?

My opinion/opinions on the Casey Anthony trial don't matter. I am not a member of the jury, and the jury is the only group who can legally determine guilt or innocence.

Do you prefer these names on boys or girls? + BQ?

Taylor, Riley, Kelly, Robin, Jamie, and Addison for girls. The rest for boys except Jordan which has to be for both. BQ Jordan for both.

How can I cure my motion sickness?

This is my 4th year playing team sports, and every year we have at least 7 away competitions. (Bus needed for transportation) I have suffered from weakness, irritability, vomiting, nausea, and dizziness all in one bus ride. After I get off the bus I usually can't walk or hold my self upright until about 5-10 minutes later. I get enough energy to walk to the gym, but then I just collapse on the bleachers until I can feel my body parts and can see without squinting. I feel like this really affects my game. Especially since we are approaching track and field season and I high jump (Which is one of the first wave of events to commence in a meet) It's not serious, but it isn't mild. I have blacked out on a roller coaster before, but I didn't feel sick... I have already tried dramamine, and it seems to only work about 2/5 times of usage. I've heard of patches and wristbands, but do they actually work? And also, if there are any other suggestions, please comment! I appreciate it!

How do I describe my character's face?

I guess you could call them rebellious facial features, but I need a word besides rebellious. I'm talking about features on a girl that tell guys "she's way out of your league." Perfectly shaped eye brows, full lips, hair that has volume and waves, and eyes that have a sort of stubborn look to them. Teachers look at this kid and assume she's a trouble maker because of her features.

Songs to listen to when high?

I like listening to songs like Dramamine by modest mouse, something that allows me to just sit and think. Any suggestions?

Best ways to deal with the stomach flu?

you could have a urinary tract infection they will make you sick like a stomach flu when i had one it lasted for a week all i could do is drink tea its the only thing that made it feel better i didn't go to the doctor or anything but all i did was lay in bed and sleep and couldn't eat anything at all not saying that is what you have but it sounds like the same symptoms that i had i thought it was the stomach flu myself if it is a urinary tract infection you can get medicine from a doctor

Hangover from a dramamine trip?

i just woke up and i feel really weird, what can i do to be back to normal and how long will it take?

Wife suffers from Motion Sickness, what about a cruise ?

Wife has to take Dramamine to fly, can't do small boats, ect. What the chances she will be fine on a large cruise ship ?

What OTC item is the best to help me relax during a flight?

I have to take a very short flight tomorrow. I hate the experience of flying, and am wondering which is the best choice to take with me to calm me down: seabands, Dramamine, or valerian root? I want to just fall asleep or stay relaxed. What is the best thing I can take over the counter?

I really really really really don't like my dad! Am I a rebellious child and what should I do?

I think you need to get a hold of someone ...maybe some sort of authority's(cops) or maybe councilor at school and let them know whats been going on...NO ONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED LIKE THIS!!!! seeing your mom go threw this makes you think it is normal but it is not. If you tell someone it will make your mom see the real truth in how bad it really is and that it is not normal to live like this. I wish you the best of luck God bless and good luck.

Would i be ok if i popped 20 dramamine?

there is no way to tell. it depends on what kind of shape your body is in and whether or not our kidneys will fail and you will either be dead or on dialysis 3 days a week for the rest of your life and wishing you were dead. you do the math!

Is it safe to take dramamine when pregnant?

Some doctors will prescribe dramamine during pregnancy to combat morning sickness. Unless your doctor has prescribed the medicine to you, you should contact your doctor prior to taking it. If your doctor has prescribed it to you it's fine.

Lake brazos restaurant sucks?


Best friend troube....?

It doesn't sound like he's a very good friend! I suggest finding a new friend and just let him be until he grows up and comes around.

Wouldn't You Like To See Somebody Use The "Jackhammer" As A Finishing Move?

If you don't know the actual name of the movie, it was Goldberg's finisher, alongside with the spear... It is one of the few wrestling moves that actually look devastating..... Would love to see a big man like Ezekial Jackson or Mason Ryan use it...

Iphone shows no display, only back light?

Sounds like the ribbon from the board to the lcd isn't fully inserted. I've had similar issues before while repairing my iPhone.

The Ryan Plan was actually meant to be the "nice face" of the Republican Party so that Republicans could?

Probably all the above, anything that regulates business, or causes government spending they're against

Is there any Ryan Dunn fans out there besides me?

Rest In Peace man.Please don't add anything here if you don't have anything positive too say about him.

So jealous of my can I get past this?

maybe god didn't want you to have a daughter. maybe since she had a bad childhood she can have a good ending. why do you think you are any better than her. huh? do you think that you are more superior to her. that is just sick. no wonder you don't get along with the 4th child. he probably thinks so too. stop whining and be happy you actually have children. and you should also think about people who barely want one child. boy or girl and can't have any. i stopped reading this half way through cause i was done with this. oh and there is also something called adopting! stop whining and be thankful.

What do you think of this?

Ever since I was 2 yrs old my dad told me he would buy me toys,barbies,i was spoiled by Oihim since I was his little girl and he told me that my mom would return all the stuff he would buy me to the store and keep the money. Hes not the only one my grandma also told me (dads mom). She left my dad and brought all 3 of us with her to tx and my happiness ended their. I loved my dad and she took that away from me. she met some pathetic drug user and got with him in less than a yr she moved him in at when I was10 he began askin me if I wanted to play games and he would tell me innapropriate thing him and my mom were on and off but wen I turned 17 I couldnt stand seeing him come over so one day I told my mom wat happnd wen I was 10 she didnt believe me at all she said I.was lying and made me tell her in front of him which was realy hard for me to do but I did and he denied everything time went by and she kept seeing him she kept treating me like crap the only person I had was my bf which she didnt like for no reason. I relied on him I would call him crying wen she attacked me I couldnt even go out to the movies I had to be home no later than 9 sometimes at 7 she already wanted me home she kicked me out several times knowing that I had nowhere to go the only person I rlly had was my bf I stayed with my aunt for sometime than my granma I ran out options and I promise you this wasnt cause I was rebellious or did drugs or disrespected her or stole money from her. No I was not ever like that she kicked me out because she came home one day and everything else was clean but the dishes I was super stressed I was going through soo much at my teenage life I didnt understand why she treated me soo bad my bf offered me to move in with him but he still stayed with his parents my mom said I would look like a ho if I moved in with him so I went to a shelter I wass already 18 by the way this shelter had crackheads and just people I wasnt used to being around the lady who ran the shelte

Who is fittest? Reynolds, Cooper or Depp?

Me and my friends are having a big debate about this. So who's the most fit? Ryan Reynolds (the proposal) ..... Bradley Cooper (the hangover) ...... or Johnny Depp (pirates of the caribbean)?????

Iphone 3gs screen trouble?

Today i thought my iphone 3gs just crapped out but realized that the lighting on the screen doesnt come on. I can see the the stuff under a light and everything operates normally but can barely see. I guess my question is if the restore to factory defaults would hopefully work to fix the issue and will i lose all of my pics/videos and contacts as well? Is there anyway the get all that stuff off first or will it store automatically. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Ryan

Problem with an older guy?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely, he treats me great and is super sweet. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

How should I punish my stubborn and rebellious son?

My son is 16 years old and he has been acting rebellious lately. I've asked him to do his chores yet he refuses to do them. He's even been drinking Alcohol at parties. I read the bible a lot and I'm a very devoted Christian (I'm Catholic). So I get my morals from the bible. As a god-fearing man I'm scared because the bible says that I should stone my son to death for not obeying my commands in Deuteronomy 21:18-21. I'm really scared because I don't want to have to kill my son. I love God more than anyone else though so I try my best to follow his laws.

Can I still Take dramamine even though it expired one month ago?

I need it so i can go on rollar coasters next week. It expired last month in april. Will i still be able to take it without you know nothing bad happening. please i really need help cuz i really wanna go on the rides cuz Dramamine helps me a lot!

Can I take Zyrtec and Dramamine together?

Sure. Zyrtec is an antihistamine while Dramamine is used for nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness.

Non prescription sleep medication?

I know this has been asked before but here's the difference: NO Nyquil, No Benadryl, NO Dramamine, No Melatonin, and No Valeriann root. I've tried them all with no avail. I was on 2mg Xanax 3 times a day and Lunesta 3mg nightly for over 2 yrs. When I lost my insurance (THANKS healthcare system!) I could no longer afford my doctors nor prescriptions. I've roughed it for 3 months now and this insomnia is really ruining my life and making me suicidal. It's so bad that I will literally go 72 hours without so much as a wink of sleep - on at least a weekly basis. And the sleep I do get is very unrestful due to nightmares. I'm so sick of it.

How can my ex husband and I deal with our teenage daughter's rebellious behavior?

My ex husband and i have been divorce for 2 years we ave 2 wonderful kids a 13 year old son with autism and a 15 year old daughter. These past two years have been hell for me and my ex we both have joint custody and right now my daugther is currently in therapy. My daughter has started dated this boy he's a senior in high school i think hes a bad influence on her my ex and i forbid her from seeing him but that didn't work. She has gotten really rebellious her behavior change after her best friend died in a car accident they were really close like sisters. She started drinking, partying and failing school i caught her drinking a bottle of wine i grounded her for a month but that didn't work out so i let her live with her father for awhile. One day she unexpectedly came to my house sobbing telling me her father touched her my ex denies it he was arrested and charged with child abuse i overheard talking to her friends joking and lauging on how she lied to me about how her dad touched her and that i was so stupid!!!! I git mad and got er to admit what she did she told me the truth she apologized to her father and the charges was dropped but that wasn't enough she caused so much heartache in this family its not even funny. I am so burnt out right now i don't know what to do with her i have failed as a mother i provide so much for my kids i love them very much i will do anythhing for them between her behavior and my son's autism my ex and i are out of options i know what she is going through been there done that but what can my ex and i do as her parents to snapped her out of it?

Friday, August 5, 2011

Do you think racing pros are friends out side of racing.?

im talking pros liek ryan dungey, chad reed, james stewart and ryan villopoto... Do you think they are friends outside of racing?

What do you think of these boys names?

I like Austin Chase, Michael Hunter, Cole Jackson, William Lucas, Wyatt Owen. In those combinations and spellings :-)

Is Brendan Ryan not the coolest guy ever?

ha yea! im a mariner fan and i love watching his interviews...hes always got something hilarious to say...its always so random

Accounting and Tattoos?

Here is the story....I got a upper arm tattoo that ends a little above my elbow (half sleeve tattoo) when I was 17 because of my rebellious nature at the time (stupid I know right) I do not regret my decision because I can't live in regret. I am now 23 years old and about to graduate in accounting. My question is am I screwed to get an accounting job? Can you always wear full sleeves in firms and social events in accounting firms? Do you mostly wear suits? Clientile Events Attire?

Would I be able to wake up for school if...?

I took 7 Dramamine pills (350mg of dimenhydrinate) around 9-9:30 pm. I wake up for school around 5:35 am. I weigh about 122 pounds. Last time I took some, I took 5 pills (250 mg). I took them on the weekend around 9:30 pm. I fell asleep around 10:30-11 pm and woke up around 6:30 the next morning; I was so tired that day.

Jehovah's Witnesses, do you believe 1 Thess 5:21?

Why can't you understand that the majority of us used to be religious members of Christendom ? It was the Jehovah's Witnesses teachings with the Bible that freed us from the spiritual darkness that we used to be in.And now we are helping others to do the same. We already know everything about what Christendom believes. And it makes no sense at all. Why can't you understand that ?

Is it safe to take benadryl and Dramamine at the same tome?

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How can I block just Facebook for free?

I do not allow my kids (ages 11, 12 and just turned 13) on Facebook at home and they know they are not supposed to be on it anywhere (they are not responsible enough nor are they old enough) but they are on the rebellious upcoming teenage phase in life. And of course grandma lets them do as they please so she doesn't have to hear them whine. How can I block Facebook on her computer (she knows I am going to block it and doesn't mind as she doesn't use it)? I have tried the "internet options, content, content adviser, and so on" it doesn't work. I mean it blocks facebook but then it blocks other sites (even those I tell it can always be accessed). I have also tried the "start, notepad c:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, search, so on" that doesn't work either. Until I figure ut out they are not on the computers at all, but I don't want to keep it this way as they do use educational sites and games (such as jump-start and Are there any other ways to block FB without buying software to block just one site? She uses internet explorer on windows xp. Thank you for any tips!

Do anglicised names retain their ethnicity?

It depends. Irish names were spelt completely differently a few hundred years ago because they used more letters (as were all Irish words), I think you can change the spelling a bit and keep the heritage, E.G. Connor is still Irish to me even though that's not the original spelling.

Why do people drink and drive when they know it's dangerous?

Some people are fools. Actually, public transportation in the USA is fairly well available. We should not compare to European public transportation which can be vast because in the USA the automobile has long been the preferred mode of transport. The fact is a person can always take a taxi or walk, sadly they often choose to drive. Good judgment is not a automatic personality trait but a learned skill many have not yet learned or often ignore.

How to prevent motion sickness on roller coasters?

Dramamines helps, but it doesn't get rid of all your dizziness. I have bad motion sickness, I get dizzy on most rides. the Dramamines helps, but I don't go on a lot of rides that rotate

I've been having these extreme headaches every afternoon/evening for the past 4 months.?

You may have migraine syndrome as one possibility. Have you discussed your symptoms with your doctor? Headaches should always be medically investigated, and the sooner, the better.

How do I stop feeling so bummed about someone's death?

I downloaded all of the Jackass and watched all episodes of Viva La Bam, cKy and the Movie Haggard about a week before Ryan Dunn passed away, after watching all the shows and the movies I started looking him up and watching all of his video and I had become a really big fan of his. Then on monday I woke up at about 10 am I was so excited to watch Viva la Bam again just because Ryan was so funny. I logged in on Facebook and saw that one of my friends posted R.I.P. Ryan Dunn, I looked up some information and found it was true, I was pissed and sad at the same time because when I found someone who was really funny and I looked up to he passed away...Then I watched the interview of Bam Margera and he was crying and I had never seen Bam cry before, not even in Jackass I felt even worst. Now every time I remember Jackass, Ryan or Bam I just get so sad, and I don't understand it because he was not a family member, I didn't knew him or anything and even now almost 2 weeks after he died I still feel like it was today that happened :(

If your grandparents were the ones who raised you, is it normal to have some resentment towards your parents?

I'm asking because it's always been difficult to have a good relationship with my mom. My grandparents raised me since birth, so my close relationship was with my grandparents. It's not the same with my mother and she treats me like I'm a little girl. My rebellious 18 yr old sister always got a way with murder and is LAZY, which causes my mom to deliberately blame everything on me. She will nit pick on what she can blame me for just because I'm the oldest in the house! When I was younger, my mom moved down south to care about herself and left us with my grandparents. I never started living with her until she moved back home. As I got older, I became more independent and wanted to live my own life. When I attempted to move out, she will talk me out of it. She treats my sister like she's older, but my sister does nothing but disrespect her and the house we live in (she's now pregnant from an abusive loser and doesn't work). She's a drop out, steals, and put my mom through so much stress. I'm a good student and a good person at heart who isn't disrespectful. I end up doing all the cleaning and financial help when she's also old enough to get a job, but still be yelled at about the dumbest things. I was raised well by my grandparents (who are now dead) with good morals, but my sister was raised by my mom. I don't know why parents do this and why there's favoritism always involved. Overall, I fee like I'm being treated unfairly and everyone sees this but my mother! It makes me not want to deal with her any longer. When it comes to siblings, why do parents act like this? I'm 24 years old and deserve to be treated like an adult. I'm still with her because of educational expenses, so at this time I can't afford an apartment until after I graduate and get a better job.... How do I overcome this issue?? I don't want to end up losing respect and snap at her with anger!

How do I help my 18 yr old son get over embarresment?

Ok so not that long ago my son (he gets motion sickness) my other son, and my husband were on an 18 hour flight. My son was pale white so i knew he needed to get into the bathroom but both were busy. Since we were in the 1st row in first class he needed to throw up all the way in the back. He just barley made it and threw up in the last row before the bathroom (we took a midnight flight so only like a quarter of the plane was full) He got lucky and no one knew it was him. He went into the empty bathroom and acted like he just noticed the vomit. Then 3 other people got sick. He was so embarresed and we still had 13 hours to go. He thought he threw up everything in his stomach (thank god he didn't eat alot that day) He would hardly look at me the rest of the plane ride (he kept hiding his face with his hand) Plus the flight attendents were making comments about it so I think it made him feel worse. So I got him whatever he wanted (wet wash cloth, a blanket, water etc.) Thankfully he slept most of the flight. On the flight back I made sure he didn't vomit one bit and thank the lord he didn't. Not that much later his girlfriend wants him to go to Europe with her and he keeps refusing, but I think he should go (he loves his girlfriend and Europe is and amazing place to be). I don't blame him for being embarresed at all but it's stopping him from having fun and I know his girlfriend and she won't break up with him because of motion sickness. He already told her he get motion sickness I keep telling him to take dramamine and it'll be okay but he still doesn't wann go. So any advice on how to helo him get over it so he can have fun in Europe?

Is it possible for the driver of the vehicle to get carsick?

I was just curious. I don't think it is, but last summer, my friend (who gets motion sick fairly easily) and I, along with others, went to an amusement park about 5 hours away (my friend drove). When we got there, he started looking for Dramamine because he said he was feeling a little sick. Could he have really been feeling motion sick from driving down there or was he just using that as an excuse to take some before the roller coasters?

Flying with 3 yr old (&myself)..Help!?

If you are worried about motion sickness, ginger will help calm his stomach. There are some really good ginger juices, can be a little expensive though.

My 5 year old yorkshire terrier won't sleep in his crate anymore?

Ever since i brought him back he's been sleeping in his crate but recently he won't even stay in it for more than 10 seconds, I really need help on this. Is he being rebellious? He's 5 so I don't think that's the problem. Any help is appreciated

How did you correct your young child when they started getting that teen-like attitude?

My son will be 4 in 2 months. He's kinda always had an attitude (probable got it from me), but I've been able to correct it easily by simply saying no or giving him a time out etc. By lately he really has MAJOR attitude and is SO rebellious and talking back. He learned (probably from another child at day care) how to spit at people and I give him a warning then when he does it again he gets a time out, but he will just keep doing other things like saying "don't talk to me! you're not my friend!" or sticking his tongue out or whatever. He seems like a 14 year old stuck in a 3 year olds body. LOL Looking for advice on how to nip it in the bud now before it gets out of hand.

Handmaid's Tale: Is their a time when Offred sought/thought for Justice?

Hi, i have a grade 12 english exam tomorrow, we have to cover all the books read in class from the beginning of this semester. I know for a fact that Offred's close friend - Moira, through rebellious misconduct searched for justice... But was there anytime in the novel where Offred searched or even thought about justice in the dystopian society of Gilead??? thanks so much!!

Gravol for Cats for Travel?

Can I give my Bombay, Braxton, Gravol (aka Dramamine) when I travel with him in the car. He is due for his yearly boosters and freaks out when he is in the car.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Will dramamine help my dizzyness?

iv been dizzy for about 2 weeks now and i have a dr appt soon but was wondering if until then the dramamine will take away the dizzyness. also how does it take away dizzyness if thats one of the side effects??? thank you.

New to Aviane - advise please?

its NEVER safe to have unprotected sex idk bout that dramamine, and as long as you take it around the same time everyday you should be fine, that's what my doc told mee

What would you think of a Religious/Feminist version of Cinderella?

In my version story of Cinderella; takes place in a 17th century country that was under Patriarchal Puritanism, they weeded out all Catholics and Pagans and destroyed statues of the Virgin Mary and the Goddess. And here is were the Cinderella character comes along, her mother died giving birth to her while under the statue of the Virgin Mother/Goddess in some sort of graveyard. Her Father married again to an unkind woman with 2 self-righteous daughters, and the Father soon died from an illness, and the Stepmother remarried again to a harsh Calvinist. The women of this time were looked down upon, they were expected to follow their Husbands/Father's guidance and advice. Cinderella was headstrong and rebellious, which only angered her stepfamily, they would beat her until her back was bloody. The step-family then threatened her that if she does marry a man they choose for her, they would send her to a brothel; and if she ran away, they would have her chased as a thief and whore. Cinderella ran towards the graveyard to cry, and she found the Virgin Mother/Goddess statue and wept underneath it. Until, a very ugly old woman dressed in black and in the company of owls and black cats appeared and frightened her. She thought she was a pagan witch, but the Pagan woman helped her in a fairy godmother way, but as the girl turned around to thank the Pagan woman, she saw the statue of the Virgin Mary/Goddess winked at her.

I took Emergency Contraception Plan B?

On Saturday, My boyfriend and I had intercourse and we always have protected sex using a condom. However, not knowing, it broke suddenly. My private area began to hurt during the intercourse, but I didn't really know why, but I ignored it. After he finished, he got up and in shock, it broke. I didn't even feel anything when he finished. I was so scared. He immediately got his mother and we told her we've had intercourse protected, but it broke. Fortunately, his mother was understanding and went to a nearby clinic ASAP. She bought the morning after pill. I took Dramamine and waited for an hour and then took the pill soon afterwards. I'm really scared and was curious if anyone had to go through this as well? We're both 16 and I'm definitely not ready for a baby yet and neither is my boyfriend. Do you think this will be very effective? And why did my private area start hurting? 10 points to best answer.